Diffusori perfettamente funzionanti. Finitura White.
Purtroppo un diffusore presenta alcune imperfezioni di finitura come da foto.
2 way standmount bookshelf vented box
Tw: High definition precoated fabric dome driver with no ferrofluid, Ø 29 mm
Md: Free compression basket design and Curv cone, 1 x Ø 180 mm
40 Hz – 30.000 Hz, tuning port included
88 dB SPL (2.83V/1M)
6 ohm
50W – 200W without clipping
449 x 246 x 336 mm
17,7 x 9,7 x 13,2 in
682 x 276 x 382 mm (optional dedicated stand)
26,8 x 10,8 x 15 in (optional dedicated stand)
31 Kg ea – net weight
68,3 Ib ea – net weight
Trade Up:
Trade up: McIntosh MA252 -> McIntosh MA352