Prodotto sopraffino con finiture e componenti di altissimo livello , 30 watt molto musicali e la possibilità con lo strumento a corredo di tarare perfettamente il bias di ogni valvola in qualsiasi momento.
Dal sito ufficiale:
Il pre Seer
Seer – ‘one who sees the future’ First in the audio chain after the source the Seer ‘sees’ all that will be heard and conveys its musical truth. The Seer offers the enthusiast a high standard compact and versatile all tube preamplifier.
Seer Line
– with five inputs, as a line-level only model The line stage is designed using similar circuitry techniques employed by its two box counterpart the Prophet preamplifier, but utilizing a different tube and a less exotic power supply. Each line channel utilizes a low noise double triode operated in single ended class A. With a minimum of coupling components between stages the circuit achieves a very wide bandwidth of 5 Hz to 115kHz, providing admirable results with high quality CD players.
The non-buffered output is suitable for driving medium lengths of inter-connects giving meritorious results in systems where the Seer would be the sole tube amplifier component, conveying a natural musical tonal balance to ones system, especially popular used with solid-state power amplifiers.
All inputs are hard wired for maximum signal transfer and high quality gold plated RCA phono sockets are mounted on a non-magnetic back-panel for minimum interference. All circuitry is mounted on a double sided 3/32 fibreglass pcb with 3oz copper tracks and combining elegant circuit layout and high quality components such as gold plated tube bases 1% tolerance metal film resistors and polypropylene capacitors,
the Seer presents music with excellent clarity unusual for tube preamplifiers in this price range.
The power supply incorporates a high quality potted toroidal power transformer together with a solid state regulated heater supply and hum filtered high tension supply. This low noise supply allows the Seer to work at maximum gain with an absence of background noise especially useful when listening
to the phono input. All the electronics are housed in a fully screened chassis and to compliment its elegant lines the front panel is machined from solid 6mm aluminium billet with a brushed anodised finish.
Il finale Unisis
The Unisis was developed in 1990 by Tube Technology and even after fifteen years it is still a much sought after amplifier, combining the classic virtues of tube amplifier design with the modern ‘clean’ power delivery often only found in higher power designs. It has often been imitated by other manufacturers but never equalled.
The Unisis Signature is a vast improvement over its famous predecessor. It features a new high current driver stage, uprated power supply and best of all a superb new output transformer which has been in development over the last two years. Other major improvements are individual output tube protection and outboard bias meter acceptability, allowing easier maintenance of the output tubes.
All of these improvements add up to a formidable amplifying system, with improved bass performance and amazing control and presence for an amplifier of this power rating, we believe you will be delighted with the speed, delicacy and openness of this exceptionally beautiful power-house.
Power is delivered into the most difficult of loads including electrostatic speakers, which make most solid-state designs curl up their toes. This neat package will take pride of place in your listening room and become the centre of the most ambitious of hi-fi systems where high power output is not of paramount importance. The chassis is hand-crafted from sixteen gauge non-magnetic high purity stainless steel.
All signal paths are hard wired with PCOCC and silver cables and kept to a minimum length. Inputs for are through high quality gold plated RCA phono sockets and outputs through a high quality pair of gold plated 4mm binding posts for each channel. The power amplifier section employs the EL84 output tube, the smaller brother of the EL34 as used in the Genetix and Synergy. This tube has a very fluid and crisp sound which injects exciting realism into a music performance.
The new and improved output transformers are designed to our proprietary design and each transformer is painstakingly hand wound to our exacting specifications. The output transformer is the most important component in a tube amplifier and our obsession for getting this right is even relayed in the manufacturing process, where during winding inductance measurements are taken for extra precision and consistency.
The power and preamplifier printed circuit boards are through plated 3/32 fibreglass, three ounce copper fitted with silver contact ceramic tube bases and component quality is carefully selected for both musicality and reliability, including 1% metal metal film resistors, polypropylene capacitors and long life low impedance custom power supply capacitors. The Unisis Power may be switched from a Stereo 35 Watt
amplifier to a mono 70 watt amplifier, so is very useful for either bi-ampling or mono-blocking if higher power requirements are needed for more hungry loudspeakers.
Di cosa si tratta: Pre e finale a valvole
Produttore: Tube Technology England
Caratteristiche: Tutto a tubi – 35 watt
Costo: 2.700.000 lire pre – 5.500.000 lire finale 900.000 lire strumento bias
Trade Up:
Trade up: McIntosh MA252 -> McIntosh MA352